Thursday, September 20, 2012

A revelation

I have a bit of a confession to make here. I've been knitting for about 15 years, and sewing for closer to 25 (even if that's more off than on, but still) and I rarely get garments I'm happy with.

I can be a bit of a blind follower when it comes to sweaters, probably because I never am happy with what comes out, and well, I dont follow any size ever, so surely they know better than I do, right?


I finally measured a sweater I wear often. 20" long. And another. 22" long. I looked at the pattern I was knitting in a size that was closeish to my actual size. 28" long.

Well you /idiot/, no wonder you find all the sweaters to knit for yourself to be dumpy and unflattering. I need the small or medium length directions, and the 4X width directions. Why yes, I am short and fat, thank you for noticing. ;) (Weirdly, I dont think at 5'6" I am all that short, but as I need petite length trousers and every sweater pattern ever is about 8 inches too long on me, apparently the world is certain that by being a 4X I'm also 8 feet tall or something.)

At least I came to this revelation only 5" into my decimal rather than 17 inches into the 10 inches I need before armhole shaping.

Untitled, originally uploaded by Jazmin_.

What a fundamental basic /duh/ moment. I mean /really/.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

So close.

I am getting oh so very close to the end of Frosted Ferns. Last pattern row! (Then of course there will be the resting row, the crochet cast off, and then the procrastination on blocking.)

I am very /very/ good at the procrastination about blocking. I keep telling myself that I'll block this and Trollblume at the same time, and then take both of them to show and tell at the KW knitters guild.

Which I finally joined. Finally. I've known about it for years, but finally getting off my arse to go out to KW in the evenings. I'm glad I'm healthy enough (generally) to still manage to do something after work. It's nice to be amongst my tribe, this tribe at least. I have a lot of tribes, but I'd missed a handwork one. It also gives me a deadline to work against, I want to show this at the guild meeting. So I'd better get it blocked.