Thursday, September 20, 2012

A revelation

I have a bit of a confession to make here. I've been knitting for about 15 years, and sewing for closer to 25 (even if that's more off than on, but still) and I rarely get garments I'm happy with.

I can be a bit of a blind follower when it comes to sweaters, probably because I never am happy with what comes out, and well, I dont follow any size ever, so surely they know better than I do, right?


I finally measured a sweater I wear often. 20" long. And another. 22" long. I looked at the pattern I was knitting in a size that was closeish to my actual size. 28" long.

Well you /idiot/, no wonder you find all the sweaters to knit for yourself to be dumpy and unflattering. I need the small or medium length directions, and the 4X width directions. Why yes, I am short and fat, thank you for noticing. ;) (Weirdly, I dont think at 5'6" I am all that short, but as I need petite length trousers and every sweater pattern ever is about 8 inches too long on me, apparently the world is certain that by being a 4X I'm also 8 feet tall or something.)

At least I came to this revelation only 5" into my decimal rather than 17 inches into the 10 inches I need before armhole shaping.

Untitled, originally uploaded by Jazmin_.

What a fundamental basic /duh/ moment. I mean /really/.

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